
A little talk about purpose in life


Saara Tani

1/13/20252 min read

A little talk about purpose in life.


Purpose. What is mine? What is yours? Does everyone need one? And does it even matter? This is what I think.

If you are happy without one, then that's the right path for you, embrace it! We don't all need some grand idea or plan guiding our every step, some of us are just meant to walk, explore, enjoy and experience life. Others might discover a purpose early in life, and follow it for the rest of their lives. Others search for purpose their whole lives, never finding it. Sometimes you find a purpose and then it changes several times along the way of life. That's also okay.

For now, my purpose is my art. I want to share and spread love, light, healing and comfort. My deepest desire is that my art can create peacefulness and balance in a space that needs it and infuse it with vibrant energy. Our mind and senses have so much potential for our well-being, and there is a lot more to life than only the physical realm. My art serves as a path between the seen and unseen. A bridge between different vibrations. I truly believe that my gift of sensitivity can bring people closer to the spiritual realm, offering them a tool that generates the energy or reassurance needed in their lives.

Another purpose of mine is being a mother. I know I can never be perfect, and I make many mistakes, but I'm committed to continuously learning ways to support my child, and soon children, to grow into confident and kind humans who bring hope and positivity to this world. To reach this goal, I will be a forever student and open-minded to change the way I do things for a better way, and to always apologize for my mistakes, taking responsibility for my actions. Even if mistakes are made, I think one of the most important things you can teach your child is the ability to apologize and being responsible for what you've done.

That was all for today, just some things I've reflected on recently! 🥰

Sending you lots of love and light,


If you want to check out my art, I have lots available on my website in my shop:


Do also check out the ARTLET on my website for affordable discounted pieces!

And as always, feel free to ask me questions, or for more details about certain paintings!

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